4 Tips to Write a kick arse Home page

If you feel like your home page is a bit bland or people land on your website but then after a few seconds leave, then these 4 tips could help you hold the attention of your reader.


1 Headline

We hear this time and time again, but the headline is so important. It’s no different when it comes to our home page. A lot of people only read the headline of any copy so focus on really getting a great headline that grabs your readers attention or makes them intrigued to carry on reading.


The Best tip I can give when it comes to writing a headline is to lead with the benefit or the end result and make sure it’s clear. A great example is the CRM solution ActivCampaign. Their headline reads “ Automate your marketing in a few simple clicks”. Another example is the phone answering service alldayPA. Their headline reads “Save time with a Virtual Receptionist”. These are great examples of benefit led headline’s that really tell you instantly what the product will do for you.


2 Subheading

Leading on from a headline you can use a subheading. Not every site you see will use one. In our example above with alldayPA they have used a slightly different tactic and gone in with bullet points, but this is still very effective. In the case of ActivCampaign following their headline it reads “Spend less time on repetitive tasks so you can focus on doing what you love “. This sub heading perfectly compliments the Headline and extends the benefit to really make you understand what you will get from their product. The benefit of more time. If you feel like your Headline hasn’t quite portrayed the benefit of your product then use a subheading to compliment it and explain it more.


3 Your most important information at the top

Continuing the theme of using the most eye grabbing stuff we put our most important information at the top. Your most compelling benefit and explain this. There’s likely to be more than one benefit to your product and if you think there isn’t, then you just need think more about what problem your product solves. Start with the most compelling reason to buy your product and then continue down with the next reason and the next reason. This will naturally keep your reader engaged with your home page.



4 Call to action

I’ve mentioned this a few times on my Instagram account. Do not forget to tell your customer what to do. Be clear with it and don’t have multiple call to actions as you don’t want to confuse your customer. If you want them to read about your product and then book a discovery call you could write “Click here and book your call today”. This is a very basic and simple example, but you get the idea. One of the main take a way’s with your Call to action is not to confuse the customer as a confused customer does not buy.


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