Privacy policy.

This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any information that you give Zappy Copy when you use this website.

Zappy Copy may change this policy from time to time by updating this page.

You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.     We may collect the following information:

  • name and business sector

  • contact information including email address

  • demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests

  • other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers

  • geographic location

  • pages you view

  • how you got to our Services and any links you click on to leave our Services

  • when you update your information, communicate with us, or order new Services

  • metadata about your use and your contacts’ use of our Services and your emails you send (including clicks and opens)

  • your interactions with any videos we offer

  • issues you encounter requiring our support or assistance

  • any device or other method of communication you use to interact with the Services

    We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • To provide you with useful content

  • To ensure the proper functioning of our services

  • To offer and improve Services

  • To provide you with requested information

  • To facilitate your movement through out website

  • To do a better job of advertising and marketing our Services (our use of your information to do this is performed with your consent where required by applicable law)

  • To advertise and market third party products and services (such advertisement is only performed with your permission where your consent is required by applicable law)

  • To diagnose problems with our servers or our Services

  • To administer our websites

  • To communicate with you

  • To target prospective customers with our products or services (such targeting is only performed with your permission where your consent is required by applicable law)

  • To assist us in offering you a personalised experience or otherwise tailor our Services to you

    We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

    Links to other websites
    Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you
    provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

    Social Media Platforms
    Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms this website and its owners participate on are custom to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively. Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely and communicate / engage upon them with
    due care and caution in regard to their own privacy and personal details. This website nor its owners will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.

    This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to the social media platform in question. Users are advised before using such social sharing buttons that they do so at their own discretion and note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page respectively through your social media platform account.

    Controlling your personal information
    if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by contacting us through our enquiry form on the website.
    We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us by contacting us through our enquiry form on the website.

    You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please contact us through our enquiry form on the website.

    Retention of Personal Information

    We retain your personal information to provide services to you and as otherwise necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. You can withdraw your consent for us to keep your data by filling out the enquiry form on our website. We will not hold data for more than 7 years unless required to by law.

    Withdrawal of Consent
    Where you have provided your consent to us processing your personal data, you can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at or filling out our enquiry form on our website.

    In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how we process your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at and we will try to deal with your request. This is without prejudice to your right to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.