Content and Copywriting, What’s the difference?

Both are of course big things for our businesses and sometimes get tied with the same brush. However, they are different. Mainly because the goals of each is different.

Content Writing and what we want to Achieve.

Posting Content from your business is mainly about growing your image. Letting the world know who you are and what it is you offer. You want to grow your followers and post useful, helpful content to help build a trust in your brand. If you can get people engaging on your content, well that’s only going to boost the amount of people who are going to see it and give you more chance of growing your audience.

So, what sort of things would we class as content?

·         Blogs – like this one

·         Social Media Posts

·         Videos on you tube

·         Email newsletters

·         Podcasts

·         Case studies

And there are more but you get the idea. It’s something someone can consume, and they get something out of it.

 Copywriting and how it differs

So, Copywriting is different from content by the sheer fact it’s used to sell. With copy writing your ultimate goal is get an immediate response from our audience. It can be making the sale online or in person.

Examples are.

·         Sales emails

·         Landing pages

·         Product pages on a website

·         Brochures/ leaflets

·         Social Media Ads

Remember your businesses copy is so important. Your messaging is crucial to selling as great pictures will only get you so far. If your messaging is bad, then people will not buy.   

If you need help with your businesses copy or help driving sales. Then get in touch via our contact form and I’ll be in touch.


Short Copy, Long copy and Jon’s Drill


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