What is a copywriter and 4 reasons you should consider hiring one?

What is a copy writer?

A copywriter or copy writing is not what some people think it is. Some people think its to do with Copy Right and that a “Copy Righter” is responsible for getting things marked with that little “c” in a circle. This isn’t the case.

A copy writer is quite simply someone who writes for businesses. There job is to sell a businesses products and services by writing words that connect with the customers of the business they are writing for. Copywriters will write your website copy, sales emails, brochures, landing pages, leaflets, newsletters, blogs and the list can goes on. So now we have a good idea of what a copy writer is lets have a little look at why you might want to hire one.

Hire a Professional

The first main reason you might want to consider hiring a copy writer is for the professional writing skills that they offer. Working with words and knowing how to write things in such a way that is good for your business is what a copywriter does. Growing sales, getting people engaging with you online, having a website that reads great are all things you are going to want to get right. Hiring a copy writer will also help you avoid those common mistakes with spelling and grammar. No need to spend way to much time proof reading.

Don’t have the time?

We’re all busy but running your own business can feel like you just have a tsunami of tasks that need doing every single day. Then that day rolls into the next day and the next day and before you know it, you’re swamped. There’s also such a thing as “Working on your business or Working in your business”. Chances are if you are working too much in your business then you are limiting your growth. The reason for this is you are having to do tasks that you should consider delegating elsewhere, like copywriting. This free’s you up to focus on more important tasks or maybe even catching up on some much-needed family time.

Get your marketing copy right

The benefits here are numerous. Copywriters can write words that sell, give you a consistent brand voice that provides a more human to human connection to your customers building trust. They can make your business stand out and really sell you from an angle you maybe never thought of. This is where a benefit of outside perception comes in. Sometimes you can be too close to your business and you just need that outside help to bring about a better way to selling and hitting your goals.


You don’t enjoy writing

If you don’t like doing something you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, right? It might be that writing copy stresses you out or you get annoyed by having to go over and over it checking for spelling and grammar errors. Writing copy for you might be the one task you really don’t want to do when it comes to your business and the best way to get to the business tasks you do like and feel more passionate about is to hire a copywriter to do it for you.

Thanks for reading and if you need help with your copywriting don’t hesitate to send me a message.


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