Writing Better Blogs for E-commerce businesses

Writing blogs for your e-commerce site is yet another task that you know you need to do but just don’t have the time to do it. When there are ads to run, email sequences to set up, fulfilment, customer queries. Posting regular blog updates is something that can fall by the wayside.


So why bother then right?

Should you add blogs to your e-commerce site?

In short, yes. Blogging has numerous benefits for your business, not least by helping it grow. Here’s just a few of the things your blog can help you achieve:


·      Drive traffic

·      Convert that traffic to leads.

·      Establish authority

·      Free marketing platform

·      Build brand loyalty


All these things sound great, right?


But when it comes to actually doing the blogs. What do you post? How do you come up with topics, How do you make them worth reading and stand out from those using Chat GPT.

What should you post on your blog?

The key to knowing what to post is by knowing your audience. If you know what their problems are, what sort of content they consume, why they are interested in your products. This is a good place to start. Breaking this down further, you might realise you have different personas within your audience. So now you can tailor different blogs for different sections of your audience.


Providing value is another way to look at it. The word “Value” gets batted around a lot when it comes to content, and the meaning can get obscured a bit. By value, I mean offering some information, tips, insights or solving problems for your audience. One way to come up with these is by answering questions about your industry or products. Answer the public is also a great resource for seeing what questions get asked about your industry.

How to make it worth reading?

Some store owners will just take to Chat GPT to punch in a prompt and copy and paste this into their blog. What they get is something barely passable. The content will be generic and boring and have the personality of a dry biscuit. And if it is boring and generic, it won’t be high quality, so Google won’t like it anyway. Kind of ruins the whole point of it then.


To make your blogs better, incorporate these three tips and make your blogs stand out from your competition.

Great Headlines

Have you ever picked up a copy of Men’s Health or Women’s Health? Their headlines are amazing and instantly grab your attention. If you are part of their target market, there’s no way you will resist not knowing “the shortcut to rock-hard abs this summer”. A lot of the men’s health headlines are curiosity headlines. They catch your eye, open a loop in your head where to close it you must buy the magazine. Or stand there and find the answer before the shop assistant tells you this isn’t a library.


A good headline will draw your audience in and get them reading. Add some curiosity to them to grab attention.

Be concise and make it scannable

Now you have the attention you need to hold it. Attention spans are dwindling year on year so being concise is an advantage to your blog. You will stop people from losing interest too quickly and they’ll be more likely to read to the end.


No matter how well you've written your blog, there will always be those readers who are scanners. You pique their interest, they hit the link, and now they are scrolling the page looking for the one bit of information they want. Adding sub -  headers cater for these readers. Whilst also breaking the blog up and making it look more manageable to the ones that read.

Build in some storytelling

Not always the easiest thing to do if you aren’t much of a writer but it’s not something to overthink. There are stories around your business, products, customers and more that have a place in your blog.


Behind-the-scenes glimpses are one example, customer case studies/ success stories are another or even news about partnerships or new products. These are just a few ideas where you can start telling stories about your brand and really build deeper connections with your audience. Storytelling works simply because we often learn by telling stories. If you just had some copy that said your product was ethically made. It’s super vague. Sure, we can write more about it and explain it more. But imagine having a blog dedicated to showing how your products are ethically made. The care and attention to detail that goes into it creating it. This could even be repurposed as a video for double the win.


If you started blogging for your business and plan to keep going and maintain consistency. Use these tips in your next blog posts and let me know if you start to see better results. 


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