Why you need a VIP sequence in your E-com Email marketing

Today I want to dedicate this blog to a small piece on VIP’s. 

You may already know by now that I advocate for having 9 sequences set up within your e-commerce store.These are your bread and butter. They work on auto pilot, make money while you sleep and also complement your weekly campaigns. 

One of those essential sequences is the VIP sequence. 

The VIP sequence is one of those sequences that is really tapping into your most loyal customers to ensure you grow the business by rewarding them. You may have heard about the 80/20 rule and that most of your revenue will come from 20% of your customers. Your VIP sequence is tapping into the very tip of that. 

So what do you ideally want to achieve by implementing a VIP sequence? 

There are 3 aims of the VIP sequence that all start from this easy-to-implement email sequence. 

First of all you need to decide what constitutes a VIP. It could be one of these 3 main reasons.  

  • The customer spent over a certain threshold 

  • The customer has ordered X number of times over a certain time period 

  • The customer has ordered products X number of times. 

Or something else entirely. Choose what fits your business and as long as you monitor it you're good to go.Ideally though you want your CRM to automate it. Klaviyo has good features for this. Omnisend is not as good but still has ways to set this up. 

Once someone falls into VIP criteria they begin your VIP email sequence. With this you want to achieve 3 things. 

  1. Reward the customer for becoming a VIP - something you don’t do often, make it stand out. 

  2. Make them feel special for becoming a VIP.

  3. Ask them to complete a survey. 

In my opinion from working with clients. The survey is the most important thing.

The feedback you get from this is invaluable! 

There’s no need to kick the arse out of this survey and have something really long. A few basic questions will do. The reason this works so well is that your most valuable customers are brand loyalists. They want you to succeed and that’s why they can help you get better. 

You can ask what they love, what they think could be improved, what new products they want to see and anything else related to your industry. 

Don’t forget to actually reward your VIPs in the future 

You rolled the red capet out, laid the hollywood style star down now you must now follow through. It’s not enough to just give a big discount. 

Once you have this awesome feedback from your best customers, remember to email it specifically to them. Give them early access to sales, new products, insider info on launches, and business. You could even give them free gifts with their next orders. Factor what you can do into your profit margins and get creative. 


Your VIPs are an untapped resource for information on how to grow your E-Commerce store. I have clients who get incredible feedback that they can not only use to improve but also for social proof and content. 

If you want to hear more tips on how to crush your email marketing for your store. Join my email list at www.zappycopy.com



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