3 Ways to Create Urgency and boost sales for your business

This week I’ve been thinking about how you can create Urgency in your copy when selling your products and services.

I went on the hunt for some examples where you feel compelled to act now so you don’t miss out. As the cool kids call it FOMO or Fear of Missing Out.

So my first example brought me to Booking.com

A hotel booking site where you can pretty much book any hotel, B&B, house, etc anywhere.

Below is a screenshot I took of some places to book in Cornwall in the UK.

Screenshot from Booking.com related to Sales Urgency

Can you see in the red writing there?

“Only 1 room left at this price on our site”.

I had to check whether it was always saying 1 room on lots of them as some sort of trick, but turns out I did find a “5 rooms left” and a “2 rooms left”.

What’s great with this is it’s essentially saying, you should book it now. If you decide to head off to the pub now and do it later there’s a good chance you will miss this price and must pay more.

No one wants to have to pay more than someone else for the same thing. The horror when you speak to the other couple at the bar who booked in for £100 less than you.

Another urgency line you may have seen a lot of is.

Selling Fast


“4 people have just purchased this”

Here’s an example from the popular clothing site


Screenshot from Asos regards urgency on selling

This one is great as the item is on sale. So, if your size is in you better order quickly or expect to see it gone next time you log on.

My last example of creating Urgency for your copy is the time countdown.

Check this out from Udemy.com

Screenshot of a website course on Udemy displaying an Urgency countdown to buy at a cheaper price

This web design course is £19.99 but only for another 12 hours.
Otherwise, it will bump back up to £59.99.
It shows you that you are saving 67% and the warning like in our first example is in red. A big “you better buy it now!”.

Some companies will have a ticking countdown. It will be displaying seconds counting down till the offer ends.
And we all know how much suspense a ticking countdown can create. Think of all the films with bombs ticking down or a personal favourite. The show 24 which had a ticking clock the whole way through.

So there we have 3 great ways to create Urgency with products or services that you sell.

Let me know if you found any of these useful.

Until next time




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